It has been a crazy busy couple of weeks. I am running my head off with all of the sports practices, plus the games and then there is the supportive mom (dinner for the football boys both helping and just being there). Last week was supposed to be the homecoming for the school but the game was called off due to the other team (they only had 7 boys not sick or hurt) so the school is redoing the homecoming week for this week. Plus there has been school pictures and one field trip.
whew! That's just school. Then Seth has confirmation every other Wed. night. Oh and I'm still working. Lots of changes in the work dept. Both good and bad, but I am over the bad and have decided to be a team player.
Nate is out of town this week for a few days, and I really don't like acting like a single mom. I don't see how they do it. It seems that I don't have much down time (and I am realizing that I really need that).
I have registered to go back to school. I have already picked out 2 different degrees that I want. Both require that you are accepted into them. Both are hard to get into, but I am definately a different person than I was 17, 18 years ago. Play time is over! I have taken my placement tests and am happy with 2 of my scores. I'm not so happy with the math score. I am going to retake the math part the day of registeration for the Spring semester (Oct. 28th) so keep your fingers crossed. That score decides if I am eligible to apply for the 2 degrees. So every day for the last week and every day until Oct 28th I am/will spend an hour or two studying Algebra, Algebra II and Trig. Yep, I'm serious. Crap, I'm even playing algebra games on the computer just to try to refresh. Soooo, it has been "do or die" mentality around here. There is alot of pressure to pass this. So far my plan (if I dont get into the programs yet) will be to take Eng 101 (several of my former credits didn't transfer) Either Math 100 or Math 116 depending on the scores of my test, and Anatomy. The later will be my easiest class. And so far everything that needed to fall into place has. God has definately had a hand in this.
I've started a new leg class and it is killing me. It's odd how you think you are in shape and quit really working out and pushing yourself, then take a class that you think will be somewhat easy and then afterward you try to walk and you start whimpering. I don't think I could do another lunge or squat. But, tomorrow I'll be back at class. This is another do or die thing. I can't give it up. Not in an anorexic way (quit laughing, everyone knows I love food) but in a mind/mood soothing way. I have horrible days when I don't work out or jog. My mood is the pits. So, I just try to incorporate it with the kids. Ali now loves to jog and Seth? well Seth is working out on the field 5 days a week and on the court 3, so he misses out on our new "girl time".
Well, the morning is gonna come early so I better hit the hay.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ali's homecoming dress
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My sweet girl
Monday, July 20, 2009
First communion and other stuff
Seth's football camp
Friday, July 10, 2009
We made the appointment.
We made the appointment for Ali to get contacts. It will be easier for her to play sports (I hope) and since this is the "summer of Ali" and all the changes she has made, it just seemed right. She goes next Friday and we are both excited for it. We have been looking for locker stuff (for Seth too) and so far we found the mirror and dry erase board. Ali and I went to the mall today to look for back to school clothes (mom, the first day is the most important!) and for cowboy boots. We didn't find anything that just screamed "buy me", so I guess there will be several more mall trips.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
She did it!
Ali slept over at her bff's on Friday. I was a nervous wreck until she called at 11 to say goodnight. I had hoped that this summer would be her summer. New friends, new hobbies, new phases. In fact when I called her on Saturday to tell her that I needed to pick her up early, she didn't want me too. She ended up staying a few more hours there while Nate went to the doctor (sinus infection).
Other news (that I really can't go into) work stress, family stress. That about sums it up.
I'm trying to find some friends at the sports practices...not just acquaintances. It's hard. Most of these people grew up together or related in some way. I almost feel like the new kid in school and that makes me a little insecure. eh, I'm just babbling.
Other news (that I really can't go into) work stress, family stress. That about sums it up.
I'm trying to find some friends at the sports practices...not just acquaintances. It's hard. Most of these people grew up together or related in some way. I almost feel like the new kid in school and that makes me a little insecure. eh, I'm just babbling.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Basketball, basketball and more basketball
Whew, we finally finished up with the first basketball camp for Ali. She liked it and it was good for her. Her game is improving. We are now in the middle of her second basketball camp this week. The middle school coach came up to us (Ali and I) the first night of camp and asked if Ali would be interested in being one of the managers for the girls' middle school team. This would involve Ali going to practices and doing the workouts right along with the middle school girls. She would also be helping the coach in what ever he needed (water, towels, etc..) So she said she wanted to. I guess it helps that her 2 best friends are also managers. At our school a 6th grader can be a manager but not on the team. (you have to be 7th or 8th grade for that), even though 6th is considered middle school. So she has weight training Mon and Thurs nights from 5:30 to 7pm.
Seth's basketball workouts started tonight. He will be training Tues and Thurs from 4 to 5:30.
So my schedule for this summer right now is:
Monday 5:30 to 7 7 to 9
Seth (football) Ali (basketball)
Tues 4 to 7
Seth (Basketball)
Thurs 4 to 5:30 5:30 to 7 7 to 9
Seth (basketball) Seth (football) Ali (basketball)
Whew, so much for a lazy summer!
I started on my quilt...I got half of the top sewn... I am hoping to have it finished by the end of summer...we'll see. I'll post pics later next week.
Oh, and Ali was invited to her bff's house Friday. Keep your fingers crossed. We are hoping that she will be able to do it this time. I bet she will. She is very excited about it.
Seth's basketball workouts started tonight. He will be training Tues and Thurs from 4 to 5:30.
So my schedule for this summer right now is:
Monday 5:30 to 7 7 to 9
Seth (football) Ali (basketball)
Tues 4 to 7
Seth (Basketball)
Thurs 4 to 5:30 5:30 to 7 7 to 9
Seth (basketball) Seth (football) Ali (basketball)
Whew, so much for a lazy summer!
I started on my quilt...I got half of the top sewn... I am hoping to have it finished by the end of summer...we'll see. I'll post pics later next week.
Oh, and Ali was invited to her bff's house Friday. Keep your fingers crossed. We are hoping that she will be able to do it this time. I bet she will. She is very excited about it.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Busy, busy busy
We are running around like a chicken with it's head cut off this week. (how's that for a country saying?)
This week we have basketball camp for Ali (monday thru Friday) 8:30 to 2
Ali had her new bff spend the night Monday.
Seth has football weight-training Monday and Thursday's from 5:30 to 7
Next week Ali has another basketball camp (monday thru friday) 5:30 to 9pm
I somehow have to work this week both in the office and the warehouse and I am trying to clean too. I'm not complaining, just letting people know that I may not email or call you right back.
I pray that everyone has peace this week.
God bless!
This week we have basketball camp for Ali (monday thru Friday) 8:30 to 2
Ali had her new bff spend the night Monday.
Seth has football weight-training Monday and Thursday's from 5:30 to 7
Next week Ali has another basketball camp (monday thru friday) 5:30 to 9pm
I somehow have to work this week both in the office and the warehouse and I am trying to clean too. I'm not complaining, just letting people know that I may not email or call you right back.
I pray that everyone has peace this week.
God bless!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
it ain't food network, but they eat it...tuesday!
Do you ever want to make a dessert and no one can make up their mind? Apple pie, no cherry, well I want peach! I like these and made them this past week. Seth wanted peach, Ali wanted apple.
Mini pies
1 can of your fave fruit pie mix (you can also use canned apples, peaches, etc..)
1 refrigerated pie crust
Take out your muffin pan (I use my large size muffin, muffin pan)
spray with Pam
take some of your pie dough and line the muffin cup
spoon your fave fruit or fruit pie mixture
press dough inward over the fruit (it doesn't have to cover it)
place a teaspoon of butter on the top of each
Bake at 400 for 16 to 18 minutes. Let cool and lift gently out. Tada...a mini pie! Add ice cream and that's it.
Oh these keep at room temp under a dome for up to 3 days or in the fridge for up to a week. You can also freeze them for up to 6 months. To reheat bake uncovered in a 350 oven for 20 minutes.
Mini pies
1 can of your fave fruit pie mix (you can also use canned apples, peaches, etc..)
1 refrigerated pie crust
Take out your muffin pan (I use my large size muffin, muffin pan)
spray with Pam
take some of your pie dough and line the muffin cup
spoon your fave fruit or fruit pie mixture
press dough inward over the fruit (it doesn't have to cover it)
place a teaspoon of butter on the top of each
Bake at 400 for 16 to 18 minutes. Let cool and lift gently out. Tada...a mini pie! Add ice cream and that's it.
Oh these keep at room temp under a dome for up to 3 days or in the fridge for up to a week. You can also freeze them for up to 6 months. To reheat bake uncovered in a 350 oven for 20 minutes.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Whew what a week
Here is the condensed version:
Wed. afternoon the kids and I go to Cullman to see my dad, Trudy and Gavin. Ali and I took Trudy to have a "girls afternoon" so that she could pick out some things. Good time was had by all. That night dad hurt my feelings. It doesn't really matter what he said to wasn't even about that. I now realize that I have issues with feeling like I'm not good enough. Always wanting approval...all the time. But that's not real life and I'm working on it...sort of.
Thursday the kids were playing out behind the hotel and found a purse with a wallet and some clothes...they came and got me and then after I had a look, I called the police. Ali was freakin out saying "they have our fingerprints!"...note to self...don't let the kids watch CSI anymore. :) So a report was made and all is well. The police think that someone stole a purse and dumped it.
Friday, Gavin came to spend the night. He's a good kid and I'm glad that mine get along with him. I was going to go eat lunch with my dad, but Prince (the newest baby horse) was not looking good and I decided that it was best that I stay with him. I had gone to the seed store and bought some "baby milk" to feed to Prince. I fed him a couple of times and checked on him a lot. Friday night the boys (Nate, Seth and Gavin) and Ali did fireworks. After the fireworks, Ali and I went to feed Prince again.
Saturday Daddy Hugh called and said that Prince didn't make it through the night. I swear...I really hoped that he would have. I am determined to learn as much as I can about minis so that I can help them. We then went to Cullman to drop Gavin off and some clothes I had for consignment. Oh, and before we left home dad called to say that durring the time they were here in Bama a storm hit Sherman. The storm blew down their back fence and their dog "Lucas" got out and got hit by a car and passed away. A neighbor found him and called my dad. They have the worst luck. The past couple of times they have visited they have had: a fire (in their home) a flood and now this. I had jokingly asked if they were going to have locusts the next time (this was before the dog though).
Mother's Day: we cooked lunch for Gran because she always cooks for us on Sunday's...I don't know how she does it...I would need at least 2 ovens! We then went to the mall so that Ali could spend some of her early birthday money.
Today: I decided that I needed to filter through the last few days so I hit the gym. There is something calming to me to jog, listen to my music and not focus on anything. This is the best time for me to think. So I hit the treadmill and when I realized that I really needed water I noticed that I had run 3 miles. Holy crap! I normally only do 1 or 2 but I guess I needed the extra today. I feel better and less stressed now. Heck, I may try to hit it again tomorrow....which is Ali's birthday. I need to go make her cake tonight, but I may put it off till tomorrow.
Happy Mother's Day ya'll!
Wed. afternoon the kids and I go to Cullman to see my dad, Trudy and Gavin. Ali and I took Trudy to have a "girls afternoon" so that she could pick out some things. Good time was had by all. That night dad hurt my feelings. It doesn't really matter what he said to wasn't even about that. I now realize that I have issues with feeling like I'm not good enough. Always wanting approval...all the time. But that's not real life and I'm working on it...sort of.
Thursday the kids were playing out behind the hotel and found a purse with a wallet and some clothes...they came and got me and then after I had a look, I called the police. Ali was freakin out saying "they have our fingerprints!"...note to self...don't let the kids watch CSI anymore. :) So a report was made and all is well. The police think that someone stole a purse and dumped it.
Friday, Gavin came to spend the night. He's a good kid and I'm glad that mine get along with him. I was going to go eat lunch with my dad, but Prince (the newest baby horse) was not looking good and I decided that it was best that I stay with him. I had gone to the seed store and bought some "baby milk" to feed to Prince. I fed him a couple of times and checked on him a lot. Friday night the boys (Nate, Seth and Gavin) and Ali did fireworks. After the fireworks, Ali and I went to feed Prince again.
Saturday Daddy Hugh called and said that Prince didn't make it through the night. I swear...I really hoped that he would have. I am determined to learn as much as I can about minis so that I can help them. We then went to Cullman to drop Gavin off and some clothes I had for consignment. Oh, and before we left home dad called to say that durring the time they were here in Bama a storm hit Sherman. The storm blew down their back fence and their dog "Lucas" got out and got hit by a car and passed away. A neighbor found him and called my dad. They have the worst luck. The past couple of times they have visited they have had: a fire (in their home) a flood and now this. I had jokingly asked if they were going to have locusts the next time (this was before the dog though).
Mother's Day: we cooked lunch for Gran because she always cooks for us on Sunday's...I don't know how she does it...I would need at least 2 ovens! We then went to the mall so that Ali could spend some of her early birthday money.
Today: I decided that I needed to filter through the last few days so I hit the gym. There is something calming to me to jog, listen to my music and not focus on anything. This is the best time for me to think. So I hit the treadmill and when I realized that I really needed water I noticed that I had run 3 miles. Holy crap! I normally only do 1 or 2 but I guess I needed the extra today. I feel better and less stressed now. Heck, I may try to hit it again tomorrow....which is Ali's birthday. I need to go make her cake tonight, but I may put it off till tomorrow.
Happy Mother's Day ya'll!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Want to eat free!!!
go here: and print up to 4 coupons for a free grilled chicken dinner. I know what I am going to have for lunch this week!
It Ain't Food Network, But They Eat It Tuesday!
Here lately my kids are craving hot dogs. So here is my hot dog recipe. :)
Open package of hot dogs. Put in pot of water. Simmer on low for an hour. (that part is very important!) Place buns in oven to warm. Heat up chili in the microwave. Open can of sauerkraut. Put out ketchup, mustard, and dill relish on counter. Open bag of chips (any of your kids' faves is good). Sit back and let the guilt of not feeding your kids a healthy dinner sink in slowly. Enjoy!
Open package of hot dogs. Put in pot of water. Simmer on low for an hour. (that part is very important!) Place buns in oven to warm. Heat up chili in the microwave. Open can of sauerkraut. Put out ketchup, mustard, and dill relish on counter. Open bag of chips (any of your kids' faves is good). Sit back and let the guilt of not feeding your kids a healthy dinner sink in slowly. Enjoy!
Monday, May 4, 2009
My day book 5-4-09
outside my window: the sun is shining!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
i am thinking: that I might take the kids swimming as soon as I put laundry in the dryer.
i am hoping: to have a stress-free week.
i am going: to Cullman on Wed to see my dad and step-mom.
i am creating: a plan for crafts for Ali's birthday. I dreamed that I was making strawberry freezer jam....does that count?
i am thankful: that my kids are not much trouble...they are pretty good kids.
i am wearing: t-shirt and jean shorts
around the house: I am having to hang/iron clothes to take to the consignment shop on Sat.
i am reading: the mail and my email oh and a book on cupcake decorating (for Ali's party)
i am hearing: my kids laughing from the trampoline
a few plans for the week: the usual work Seth's football practice, Seth's field trip on Wed. Cullman for dinner on Wed., clothes to consignment on Sat., Mother's Day and more planning for Ali's party on the 15th.
one of my favorite things AND my picture ( thought: watching Nathan do music. He loves to be doing music, acting stupid and getting paid for it!! What more can a person ask for? Please wait till he dances!
i am thinking: that I might take the kids swimming as soon as I put laundry in the dryer.
i am hoping: to have a stress-free week.
i am going: to Cullman on Wed to see my dad and step-mom.
i am creating: a plan for crafts for Ali's birthday. I dreamed that I was making strawberry freezer jam....does that count?
i am thankful: that my kids are not much trouble...they are pretty good kids.
i am wearing: t-shirt and jean shorts
around the house: I am having to hang/iron clothes to take to the consignment shop on Sat.
i am reading: the mail and my email oh and a book on cupcake decorating (for Ali's party)
i am hearing: my kids laughing from the trampoline
a few plans for the week: the usual work Seth's football practice, Seth's field trip on Wed. Cullman for dinner on Wed., clothes to consignment on Sat., Mother's Day and more planning for Ali's party on the 15th.
one of my favorite things AND my picture ( thought: watching Nathan do music. He loves to be doing music, acting stupid and getting paid for it!! What more can a person ask for? Please wait till he dances!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Are you God's answer?
For the past few days I have been freaking out. I am doing the family budget and this month has been hard. It seems that when it rains it pours. Not only were our taxes due (we always have to pay state) but we had to buy propane also. I soon as I save for one thing an emergency pops up. I'm not trying to bring you down or asking for pity...just showing a back story here. So, I have been wanting to go to A-day with the family. A-day is the spring practice game that Alabama's free but we do have to come up with gas and food. Also I have been wanting to paint my bedroom for almost a year now. I finally found a color that Nate and I both agreed on. So, I saved some money for both of these things...until this month. I was about to tell the family that we just couldn't do either of these things.... last night I was at the end of my worry rope. I decided to just lay it out to God. So...he listened and I waited. Something happened today that was God's answer to my prayer. I can't say who or even why, but this person happened to give us a gift. I don't think they know how much it is/was appreciated. I started crying and couldn't even tell them thank you because I was afraid that I would start crying again. I know that this person could use their gift also but decided not to. I tell you: I truly love them. They are such wonderful people and I would just feel weird to tell them how I really felt about them and how much they mean to would be very awkward. Can you imagine? I think you are kind, beautiful, caring, thoughtful, special, loving, God-fearing, God-centered, amazing, I'm jealous of them...they have it so together, they are everything I want to be, etc... yep awkward! But I do love them and would do anything for them (I just can't do anything that they need). Ok I'm rambling now.
Anyway...maybe there will be a time that you do something and it doesn't seem that big to you(or maybe it does), maybe that is when you are God's answer to someone else. I pray that one day I will be able to be God's answer to someone.
Anyway...maybe there will be a time that you do something and it doesn't seem that big to you(or maybe it does), maybe that is when you are God's answer to someone else. I pray that one day I will be able to be God's answer to someone.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Today has been a good day. First we went to church. Then we went to Gran's house. The food was good and Nate's grandparent's were there. After pigging out we watched a few old videos of the kids (Ali had to show Ginny the one of Matt dancing to Mickey Mouse..too funny!) Then we headed down to my momma's. On the way the car started riding funny. We pulled over to the side of the interstate and found out that we had a flat. I tell you, God was watching out for us. It was a miracle that the tire didn't blow. We drove about a mile to the exit and Nate changed the tire. When we got to mom's we ate again and everyone went outside to play ball. Funny sight! Me my brother DJ, Nate, my mom, Jeff (her hubby) and the kids...What was funny? All the grown-ups running!!! After we caught our breath the kids, Jeff and DJ went down to the lake and fished. Both Seth and Ali caught fish. Yeah.
Now we are home and I'm doing laundry and running the dishwasher. I've got a book just ready to be read and my bed is looking more and more comfy.
Oh, the kids watched the Passion of the Christ last weekend and I think that today had a little more meaning to them than normal. I am glad that it's not about how much candy or eggs you find, but the real reason. Don't get me wrong...they still liked the eggs and candy, but that wasn't the only thing to be thankful for today.
Now we are home and I'm doing laundry and running the dishwasher. I've got a book just ready to be read and my bed is looking more and more comfy.
Oh, the kids watched the Passion of the Christ last weekend and I think that today had a little more meaning to them than normal. I am glad that it's not about how much candy or eggs you find, but the real reason. Don't get me wrong...they still liked the eggs and candy, but that wasn't the only thing to be thankful for today.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Stollen from Gab girl
ABC's-Embellished (i found this on a fellow-bloggers page, which i currently lurk, and had to do it myself. hope you'll all follow suit!)
A-Age: 37
B-Baseball or Ballet: ballet
C-Chore you hate: mopping the floors
D-Dream Vacation: island in Caribbean
E-Easter candy: resees's peanut butter eggs
F-Favorite Flowers: tulips
G-Games: football (either Alabama or Seth's team
H-Height: 5'5 3/4 (yes, that 3/4s is important!)
I-Instrument you play: used to play the piano
J-Job title: slave...just kidding...sort of
K-Kindergarten memory: getting spanked by a nun for breaking in line.
L:Luxury you live without: maid service
M:Mexican food choice: guacamole salad
N:Nickname: Dani, babe, mom, hottie (Ok, I added the last one if you must know)
O:Overnight hospital stay: 4, 2 with the kids, one with my appendix and one for my hysterectomy
P:Pet Peeve: hocking up a loogie (makes me literally gag)
Q:Quotes you like: "act like you've been there before"
R:Rain forest or Redwoods: redwoods
S:Siblings: 2 brothers (one older, one younger...yes I am a classic middle child) 2 step-sisters and 1 step-brother.
T:Television favorites: i'm a reality-tv junkie. Just about anything on Bravo.
U:Ultimate dessert: My grandmother's Cherry delight...or her hummingbird cake.
V:Vegetables you dislike: onions unless they are cooked
W:Ways you run late: one in this house "usually" runs late. we're the early birdies!
X:X-rays you've had: teeth, foot, pelvis, neck and back
Y:Yummy food you make: the kids would say my (Trudy's) Green chile chicken soup, Nate would say my brisket or spaghetti
Z:Zoo animals that you're favorite: elephant or monkeys
A-Age: 37
B-Baseball or Ballet: ballet
C-Chore you hate: mopping the floors
D-Dream Vacation: island in Caribbean
E-Easter candy: resees's peanut butter eggs
F-Favorite Flowers: tulips
G-Games: football (either Alabama or Seth's team
H-Height: 5'5 3/4 (yes, that 3/4s is important!)
I-Instrument you play: used to play the piano
J-Job title: slave...just kidding...sort of
K-Kindergarten memory: getting spanked by a nun for breaking in line.
L:Luxury you live without: maid service
M:Mexican food choice: guacamole salad
N:Nickname: Dani, babe, mom, hottie (Ok, I added the last one if you must know)
O:Overnight hospital stay: 4, 2 with the kids, one with my appendix and one for my hysterectomy
P:Pet Peeve: hocking up a loogie (makes me literally gag)
Q:Quotes you like: "act like you've been there before"
R:Rain forest or Redwoods: redwoods
S:Siblings: 2 brothers (one older, one younger...yes I am a classic middle child) 2 step-sisters and 1 step-brother.
T:Television favorites: i'm a reality-tv junkie. Just about anything on Bravo.
U:Ultimate dessert: My grandmother's Cherry delight...or her hummingbird cake.
V:Vegetables you dislike: onions unless they are cooked
W:Ways you run late: one in this house "usually" runs late. we're the early birdies!
X:X-rays you've had: teeth, foot, pelvis, neck and back
Y:Yummy food you make: the kids would say my (Trudy's) Green chile chicken soup, Nate would say my brisket or spaghetti
Z:Zoo animals that you're favorite: elephant or monkeys
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My um, photoshoot
The other day a very good friend came to my house to take some photos. She is an awesome photographer and sometime last year she mentioned to me that she needed more practice with people...(she has some wonderful pics of food and other things). She has an amazing eye for dramatic flair, so I mentioned to her that I would love to have some pinup photos of myself to give to Nathan. Plus I am only getting older and it would be nice to have some cool photos of me instead of me eating or other such nonsense that I'm doing when others have the camera. Some of the pictures didn't turn out but that just means we get to have another "girls day". Brandi, I'm going to read up on some pressure. So with all that said, here are a few that she took. And yes, I know I do look somewhat like my mom did at my age.....scary.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Praise God!!

Thank goodness. I ran to the store this morning (yes, I wore a hat) and had only 3 colors of brown to choose from...I got the medium. All is well in the house now! I finally have normal hair. It does seem to have some strawberry blonde highlights and some dark brown low lights...heck, the last time I had either I had to pay out the wahzooo. This only cost me a small freak out. It's sunny and I am getting spring fever.
Other news...Ali is taller than Seth. He is not happy about it, and she walks around saying "let me have my moment, Seth". Yes she is very happy. I also signed her up for a beginning sewing class and it starts tomorrow at 9. I hope she likes it. Ummm Seth is playing video games...that's about all he's into now. That's all for now. Go enjoy this sunshine!
Other news...Ali is taller than Seth. He is not happy about it, and she walks around saying "let me have my moment, Seth". Yes she is very happy. I also signed her up for a beginning sewing class and it starts tomorrow at 9. I hope she likes it. Ummm Seth is playing video games...that's about all he's into now. That's all for now. Go enjoy this sunshine!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Oops I did it again

It's that time of month knew it was coming after reading my last rant. So, I've been feeling really ugly. Yes, not just homely but ugly. So I decided to color my hair...again.
This one time in high school I decided to color my hair and for some reason it didn't "take"...this was after I bleached it. So there I was with this odd yellow color on 3/4s of my hair and at the end was this carrot orange. Well, tonight I decided to "lift" the color off of my hair. Nate and I had decided to color our hair black together...well I've had black hair for 2 months now. I always say that after I color it black that I'll never do it makes me look sallow plus it is so hard to grow it out or change it. Now I lifted the color and then waited and then re-colored...a normal didn't take! so now I have orange spots, with some white blonde spots and some black mixed in....yep, I'm gonna wear my wig tomorrow. At least until I can get back to Sally's to get more color...maybe my brown was to light? Who knows...if all else fails I'll pretend that I wanted it like this...hey I always say "fake it until you make it"....God, please let the color take.
I don't know if the pic captured the true's 11:30 and I had to use a light....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
ok, here it is...I know you want it!
You want to know why I love the 1950s housewife stuff?? I know you do, (and even if you don't) I'm gonna tell you anyway. This is also a venting session too.
A woman knew her place! Yep, I said it...I probably won't win any popularity votes but this is how it was. A woman's job was to keep the house, the kids and herself looking nice. It didn't matter if all you had was a potato rocked it anyway. A woman carried herself with grace and dignity. There was shame...almost everyday you hear of something or someone that would have brought shame to the family....I think we need more nowadays. It might make the news a bit less depressing.
Oh, ok, back to my, a woman kept the house, planned meals, made the "man" feel like a man. The man also had his and in the yard. I wish it was so simple to say "yes, I'll keep the house, kids, meals and go to work everyday...etc" But now it is completely different. A woman (most that I know) works just as much as her husband but she still has 99% of the housework, kids' homework, meetings with the teachers...birthday parties (don't forget buying the gifts for those parties), meals, grocery shopping...and everything else (I'm sure I don't have to tell know) So here is a lady who is trying to do her "job" in the house plus she also has work outside the house....add in yard work, fixing up the house (both decorating and fixing), trying to make the outside look nice too....see? You knew where I was going... :D. Now, if that said woman has friends where is she supposed to find the time to enjoy them? What if she has a hobby? I tell you, if I have 30 minutes to myself...dangit, I'm taking a bath and locking the door! I don't think I was cut out for this 2009 crap. But if you know me then you also know that I hate to clean house...I'll iron, do laundry, heck I'll even dust; but make me hold a mop in my hand and I'll smack ya. So I guess I do have some 2009 woman in me. I'm having a hard time trying to find a balance between them....and so far the only thing I'm doing is hiding under the covers. I know this is dis-jointed, but hey, I'm dis-jointed. At least now that it's out I wont have a breakdown...unless I get a 30 minute bath with that!
A woman knew her place! Yep, I said it...I probably won't win any popularity votes but this is how it was. A woman's job was to keep the house, the kids and herself looking nice. It didn't matter if all you had was a potato rocked it anyway. A woman carried herself with grace and dignity. There was shame...almost everyday you hear of something or someone that would have brought shame to the family....I think we need more nowadays. It might make the news a bit less depressing.
Oh, ok, back to my, a woman kept the house, planned meals, made the "man" feel like a man. The man also had his and in the yard. I wish it was so simple to say "yes, I'll keep the house, kids, meals and go to work everyday...etc" But now it is completely different. A woman (most that I know) works just as much as her husband but she still has 99% of the housework, kids' homework, meetings with the teachers...birthday parties (don't forget buying the gifts for those parties), meals, grocery shopping...and everything else (I'm sure I don't have to tell know) So here is a lady who is trying to do her "job" in the house plus she also has work outside the house....add in yard work, fixing up the house (both decorating and fixing), trying to make the outside look nice too....see? You knew where I was going... :D. Now, if that said woman has friends where is she supposed to find the time to enjoy them? What if she has a hobby? I tell you, if I have 30 minutes to myself...dangit, I'm taking a bath and locking the door! I don't think I was cut out for this 2009 crap. But if you know me then you also know that I hate to clean house...I'll iron, do laundry, heck I'll even dust; but make me hold a mop in my hand and I'll smack ya. So I guess I do have some 2009 woman in me. I'm having a hard time trying to find a balance between them....and so far the only thing I'm doing is hiding under the covers. I know this is dis-jointed, but hey, I'm dis-jointed. At least now that it's out I wont have a breakdown...unless I get a 30 minute bath with that!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My day book

from the kitchen: I am cooking a traditional Irish stew called "Beef and Guinness" stew (yes it has Guinness beer in it.
i am wearing: jean capris with a green shirt. The kids pinched me before I could get out of my night clothes.
i am creating: I just finished a dress for Ali, and I am starting on a quilt for Seth. (Bama colors of course!)
i am reading: a book on how to quilt, also a book on planting flowers (I do not have a green thumb!)
i am hoping: that this week will let me do some projects that I've been putting on the back burner for when I have time. Also I want to be energized by the end of the week.
i am hearing: birds chirping and a video game being played.
one of my favorite things: cantalope! makes me remember my Granny.
Here is a picture for you:
see the top...i'm a dummy and can't figure out how to put it here!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Nothing says Spring like..
I broke down and bought a sewing maching this past weekend. My kids and I have odd shaped bodies...long legs, short legs, small waist, get the picture. So I decided that I wanted to start sewing again, plus, Ali wants to learn how to sew. So, I made a hat. My very first hat. I tweaked the pattern and made it a reversible hat. Ali and I picked out the material last week when I thought I was going to make her a capri outfit. Ali stole my hat!! It is not perfect, but she loves it just the same. A couple of people couldn't believe that her mom made it...I know what I'm giving as "end of the year" gifts! I guess if the hat makes her that happy, it's hers. Plus, the colors scream Ali. Ahhh, life is good, spring is here and it's warm.
Friday, February 6, 2009
16 years ago today
I thought I knew everything there was to know...ahem, yeah right. 16 years ago today I said "I do" to the most loving, dedicated boy/man for me. Nate has been such a good thing for me. He and the kids are my life. After the kids....marrying him was the best thing I ever did. Sure we have had our ups and downs, but it really has been a smooth ride overall. Did I expect marriage to be easy? Yep, I did. But with anything in life worth having it has been work. But I am all to happy to work at this. (and I know that Nate is all to happy to work for it too)! I couldn't have asked for a better partner, best friend, co-conspirator, ect...if I could have picked him out myself. I believe that God put us together and that we fit like a puzzle piece. Usually where he is weak I am strong and vice versa. I love him so much and am so thankful for the man he is....and the father he is. And I look forward to growing old with him by my side.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Basketball is now over
and I thought I'd be happy. I'm not. Seth's team played Tues. night and lost. They played a really good team. I couldn't go because Ali had a game at the same time across the county. Ali's team won and so they played last night. I will admit that the team we played was good, however, when the Refs only call really bad fouls on the other team (there was one girl actually hanging on one of our players that wasn't called and it was very noticeable) it makes it really hard for the game to be fair. But our girls did great...but we lost. By one point. Ali did awesome on defense...she's still getting the hang of offense, and I was so proud of her. I did cry, not because they are out of the tournament, but because basketball has been such a good thing for Ali, and I didn't want it to end. At least the girls on the team are friends and hang out with each other....we are having a sleepover with all of them in 2 weeks...I can't wait!!! I think I'm just as excited as Ali. Nate and Seth are a different story! They both are going to be gone that night...thank goodness!
Friday, January 23, 2009
clarification on my last post
Ok, I'll give some clarification for the last post.
This is a conversation I had this week. All names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Lady G: I bought some wall stickies.
Me: Oh really? That's cool.
Lady G: Yes, I decided to change my bedroom, and wanted something for the wall.
Me: Oh
Lady G: It was letters, so I made a verse on the wall.
Me: what does it say?
Lady G: "He bed me down in green pastures"
Me: (gasp!) what???
Lady G: Like in the psalm...the Lord is my Sheppard...
Me: (trying not to laugh, but tears running down my cheeks)
Lady G: You know, like you bed down an animal? That's the way they talked back then.
Me: (still laughing)
Ok, so the conversation was a bit more, but I seriously laughed till I cried. Maybe I have a dirty mind, but to put that on your wall in your was just too much for me. This person, I am positive, didn't mean anything dirty by it, but I just couldn't help laughing.
So, I am chuckling to myself today just thinking about it.
This is a conversation I had this week. All names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Lady G: I bought some wall stickies.
Me: Oh really? That's cool.
Lady G: Yes, I decided to change my bedroom, and wanted something for the wall.
Me: Oh
Lady G: It was letters, so I made a verse on the wall.
Me: what does it say?
Lady G: "He bed me down in green pastures"
Me: (gasp!) what???
Lady G: Like in the psalm...the Lord is my Sheppard...
Me: (trying not to laugh, but tears running down my cheeks)
Lady G: You know, like you bed down an animal? That's the way they talked back then.
Me: (still laughing)
Ok, so the conversation was a bit more, but I seriously laughed till I cried. Maybe I have a dirty mind, but to put that on your wall in your was just too much for me. This person, I am positive, didn't mean anything dirty by it, but I just couldn't help laughing.
So, I am chuckling to myself today just thinking about it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Can't blog a whole lot tonight but I wanted to share a funny:
He beds me down in green pastures...bwahahaha
I can't go into to much right now, but I will be laughing about this for weeks!
He beds me down in green pastures...bwahahaha
I can't go into to much right now, but I will be laughing about this for weeks!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year ya'll! Last night we had a couple over for the New Year. They have been friends of ours for 7? maybe 8 years. They have 2 boys (14 and 12) at least I think that's their ages....I know, I should know that. Anyway, we had homemade bread, ham, mixed greens, mashed potatoes, apple pie and ice cream. The kids did fireworks and a pinata and were still up when I went to bed (3 ish) except for Ali...she needs sleep. We had a great time looking back at our last several new years' experiences. The couple has come over to our house the last 4's crazy that it doesn't seem that long. We were talking about what our motto would be for 2009. Here are some that I came up with....enjoy:
It's all mine in 2009 <----- not sure if I want it all, just the good stuff
Little behind in 2009 <---- as in little butt
Overtime in 2009 <----- this one made me laugh
Lookin fine in 2009
More wine in 2009 <---- I like that this one can also mean whine
O'Neal time in 2009
Don't owe a dime in 2009 (can you tell the adult beverages were getting to me?)
Here's my sign in 2009 <--- yes, I'm a closet blonde :D
I guess you get the idea. Hope everyone had a safe New Year's. Now, go clean something!
It's all mine in 2009 <----- not sure if I want it all, just the good stuff
Little behind in 2009 <---- as in little butt
Overtime in 2009 <----- this one made me laugh
Lookin fine in 2009
More wine in 2009 <---- I like that this one can also mean whine
O'Neal time in 2009
Don't owe a dime in 2009 (can you tell the adult beverages were getting to me?)
Here's my sign in 2009 <--- yes, I'm a closet blonde :D
I guess you get the idea. Hope everyone had a safe New Year's. Now, go clean something!
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