Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today has been a good day. First we went to church. Then we went to Gran's house. The food was good and Nate's grandparent's were there. After pigging out we watched a few old videos of the kids (Ali had to show Ginny the one of Matt dancing to Mickey Mouse..too funny!) Then we headed down to my momma's. On the way the car started riding funny. We pulled over to the side of the interstate and found out that we had a flat. I tell you, God was watching out for us. It was a miracle that the tire didn't blow. We drove about a mile to the exit and Nate changed the tire. When we got to mom's we ate again and everyone went outside to play ball. Funny sight! Me my brother DJ, Nate, my mom, Jeff (her hubby) and the kids...What was funny? All the grown-ups running!!! After we caught our breath the kids, Jeff and DJ went down to the lake and fished. Both Seth and Ali caught fish. Yeah.

Now we are home and I'm doing laundry and running the dishwasher. I've got a book just ready to be read and my bed is looking more and more comfy.

Oh, the kids watched the Passion of the Christ last weekend and I think that today had a little more meaning to them than normal. I am glad that it's not about how much candy or eggs you find, but the real reason. Don't get me wrong...they still liked the eggs and candy, but that wasn't the only thing to be thankful for today.


kara said...

glad you guys had a good easter and that the tire incident turned out okay! that movie just about kills me. they showed clips at church on sunday and it's all i can do not to close my eyes.

gabgirl said...

i'm still thinking about that video of little matty! p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s~ ali was so sweet to bring it...

flat tire=sucks.