Saturday, March 28, 2009

My um, photoshoot

The other day a very good friend came to my house to take some photos. She is an awesome photographer and sometime last year she mentioned to me that she needed more practice with people...(she has some wonderful pics of food and other things). She has an amazing eye for dramatic flair, so I mentioned to her that I would love to have some pinup photos of myself to give to Nathan. Plus I am only getting older and it would be nice to have some cool photos of me instead of me eating or other such nonsense that I'm doing when others have the camera. Some of the pictures didn't turn out but that just means we get to have another "girls day". Brandi, I'm going to read up on some pressure. So with all that said, here are a few that she took. And yes, I know I do look somewhat like my mom did at my age.....scary.


Anonymous said...

you look awesome!

gabgirl said...

love the one of you with the red dress, black hat, and it's a little side-ways~ too cute!