Monday, May 4, 2009

My day book 5-4-09

outside my window: the sun is shining!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

i am thinking: that I might take the kids swimming as soon as I put laundry in the dryer.

i am hoping: to have a stress-free week.

i am going: to Cullman on Wed to see my dad and step-mom.

i am creating: a plan for crafts for Ali's birthday. I dreamed that I was making strawberry freezer jam....does that count?

i am thankful: that my kids are not much trouble...they are pretty good kids.

i am wearing: t-shirt and jean shorts

around the house: I am having to hang/iron clothes to take to the consignment shop on Sat.

i am reading: the mail and my email oh and a book on cupcake decorating (for Ali's party)

i am hearing: my kids laughing from the trampoline

a few plans for the week: the usual work Seth's football practice, Seth's field trip on Wed. Cullman for dinner on Wed., clothes to consignment on Sat., Mother's Day and more planning for Ali's party on the 15th.

one of my favorite things AND my picture ( thought: watching Nathan do music. He loves to be doing music, acting stupid and getting paid for it!! What more can a person ask for? Please wait till he dances!


boyMOM said...

you are do have VERY good kids! :)

nathan...hilarious! i still wanna hear, "it's getting hot in here!"

kara said...

you have very good reason to be proud of your kiddos!
love nathan's video...i think he should break that out at work! ;)